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Perform regular updates to applications, operating systems, and software. eight-bit sparty

Safeguard Your Devices

It's important to safeguard your personal computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.

Computer best practices

1.  Make sure your personal firewall is turned on.

2.  Perform regular operating system, software, and app updates. These updates often include security patches.

3.  Install antivirus and antispyware software. Also consider anti-malware.

  • Schedule daily antivirus updates and scans of your computer and mobile devices.
  • Learn more about recommended downloads and patches.
  • Antivirus and antispyware software can be purchased for your computer at the MSU Tech Store in room 110 of the Computer Center at an educational discount.

4.  Upgrade to the latest version of your browser and take advantage of the security features available.

  • Some browser security features include site pinning, safe browsing, and auto updates. These features can protect against phishing and malware attacks.
  • Investigate the built-in security features on your mobile devices.
  • Learn more about security features in Internet ExplorerFirefoxSafari, and Chrome.

Mobile device best practices

Like computers, mobile devices need to be secured to reduce the risk or viruses and malware. Take advantage of automatic updates of operating systems, browsers, and apps to make sure you have the latest protections.

Personal mobile devices are also being used for business. Safe mobile practices prevent personal and institutional data from being lost or compromised. Regular data backup is also important.

MSU is a part data owner for any data utilized for university business regardless of where that data is stored. When in doubt, don't store any private or confidential data on your mobile device. (Read more in the MSU Institutional Data Policy.)

Connect with care

Use common sense when you connect to wireless networks. Avoid joining unknown Wi-Fi networks and don't use unsecured applications over free Wi-Fi.

If you're online through an unsecured or unprotected network, be cautious about the sites you visit and the information you share on wireless networks.

  1. Avoid "rooting" or "jail breaking" your mobile devices. These actions break the security features inherent in your device.
  2. Use an automatic screen lock with a password. This helps protect your data, especially if your device is lost or stolen.
  3. Disable options and applications that you don't use, including Wi-Fi when not in use. This reduces the number of networks and applications accessing your device and data.
  4. Before downloading an app, review the privacy policy and understand what data (e.g., location, access to social networks) can be accessed. This helps you ensure data privacy.
  5. Encrypt your device is possible and verify encryption mechanisms. This reduces the risk of lost or comprised personal and institutional data.
  6. When in doubt, don't respond. Fraudulent texting, calling, and voicemails are on the rise. Just like with email, requests for personal information or for immediate action are almost always a scam.

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